Sunday, February 06, 2011


almost 2 whole years ago, i was sitting in a Taiwanese cafe (donutes!) listening to this incredible song for the first time. it floored me - the lyrics, the music, the violins, the instrumentation, the violins, the video, and THE VIOLINS!!! i've never heard of a Christian rock group that incorporates violin duels into their pieces. i read that they were from philadelphia, and remember thinking, "well that's nice, but ha - not like i'll ever go there!"

2 years... i heard about this concert just a few hours before it happened, because a brother from my church here was guest-performing with them. God gave me the opportunity to chat with Noele, the keyboardist/vocalist/violinist, afterwards...and we were both just so in awe that such things happen. that God would bring "sunlight" to Taiwan through their music. that the same God would lead me here, and bring us together even just briefly, so we can share about & delight in His awesomeness.

memory captured.

what a God we serve. makes me all the more eager for heaven, when these crazy connections & conversations are just going to abound...and we'll see really clearly just how much His hand surrounds every bit of our lives.


eleasa said...

too cool, Carmen, too cool!

i don't get the music video though. but music, lyrics, instrumentation (violins indeed!) are invigorating!

eleasa said...

oops, i had watched the video in snatches only. oh, greed. often it's only in retrospect that we learn from our mistakes - if only we had the luxury of being able to rewind & redo like in the video.

carmen said...

exactly...what truly is our treasure? this song is such a reminder for me.

You are the treasure that I am after
Some look for riches some look for power
Just give me eyes to behold your beauty
To keep me lost in wonder after wonder