Sunday, January 23, 2011

survival recipe #3: Denise's quick shepherd's pie

this contribution must've come out of memories from the times we made shepherd's pies together in kingston. :) this recipe is indeed a much quicker version of the ones we baked... perhaps because it calls for instant potatoes instead of mashing a whole bunch of them ourselves...hehe~

It is hard to believe that you are leaving in such a few short weeks, and will be gone for two whole years! But if we were apart for five years in university, I think we can handle another two years as work life begins.

How about another additional three?? :( but i am so so thankful that this is one of those friendships that just refuses to fade no matter the distance or time apart. thankful for how God has grown us during our times apart and thankful for how we get to catch up about that every time we can meet together again, no matter how briefly. precious moments! (to go along with the theme of the stationery you used...which apparently i gave you, but i have no recollection of it. ^^")


Denise said...

Oh my goodness, the gazillion pounds of potatoes we mashed ourselves! Which put me in a deep food coma and gave me nightmares that night.... but it was delish and a wonderful memory avec toi! I am forever grateful for our friendship!! Precious moments indeed!

stephanie said...

I want shepherd's pie!!!!!!